Simon Thorsell, Kajakguide
Hej - Simon heter jag.
Jag är egentligen en landkrabba från Västergötland men efter gymnasiet i Värmland där jag läste Äventyrsturism har insett att jag även trivs enormt bra på havet.
Friluftsliv ligger mig varmt om hjärtat och jag älskar att sova i tält och laga mat över öppen eld.
Jag har gjort min praktik under gymnasiet hos Nautopp 2016 men sedan 2018 har jag även jobbat hos Nautopp Kajakcenter Grebbestad under sommaren. Jag har under den tiden fått en enorm passion för havskajakpaddling och jag det gillar att dela med mig av.
När jag inte paddlar kajak gillar jag att cykla mtb, cross eller åka skidor. Jag gjorde min första och förmodligen inte sista säsong i fjällen ( Åre) vintern 2018/2019 där jag trivdes väldigt bra!
Mig kommer ni i kontakt med speciellt när ni hyr kajak eller är med på guidade dagsturer.
Simon Thorsell, Kajakguide
Hej - Simon heter jag.
Jag är egentligen en landkrabba från Västergötland men efter gymnasiet i Värmland där jag läste Äventyrsturism har insett att jag även trivs enormt bra på havet.
Friluftsliv ligger mig varmt om hjärtat och jag älskar att sova i tält och laga mat över öppen eld.
Jag har gjort min praktik under gymnasiet hos Nautopp 2016 men sedan 2018 har jag även jobbat hos Nautopp Kajakcenter Grebbestad under sommaren. Jag har under den tiden fått en enorm passion för havskajakpaddling och jag det gillar att dela med mig av.
När jag inte paddlar kajak gillar jag att cykla mtb, cross eller åka skidor. Jag gjorde min första och förmodligen inte sista säsong i fjällen ( Åre) vintern 2018/2019 där jag trivdes väldigt bra!
Mig kommer ni i kontakt med speciellt när ni hyr kajak eller är med på guidade dagsturer.
The coast of Helgeland Arctic Norway
The coast of Helgeland in northern Norway is right by the arctic circle and one of the worlds most stunning places for sea kayaking. Imagine yourself paddling with a view to snow covered mountain peaks and glaciers. The archipelago on this coast of Norway reminds a lot of the Swedish west coast with lots and lots of islands and skerries. The white sandy beaches and crystal clear water make you believe you are in a tropical part of the world. The campsites are some of the best not to mention the exiting wildlife you are about to encounter such as seals, porpoises, puffins, guillemots razor bills, sea eagles and perhaps if we're lucky we get to see the northern lights.
Most nights are spent in tents but the trip also offers a touch of luxury as we check into a hotel during the trip on a very special island and combine our stay with a 3 course dinner and a lovely wine package.
Trip itineraries
This trip is a 7 day expedition and we camp on some of the most remove and amazing islands. We always aim to chose the best campsites with a white sandy beach. We plan to visit the islands of Onøy, Lurøy, Stigen, Yttre Kvarøy, Kvitvær and Lovund. If the weather forecast is promising we might jump on a small boat and start the trip further north. The weather decide.
Lovund itself is a wonderful island with a welcoming atmosphere and our goal for the trip. The local guide will give us a guided walk on the island and tell stories about life on Lovund and take us to the coastal museum. We spend a night at the local hotel and enjoy a 3 course dinner with local specialties with a suitable wine package. Lovund also offer us the opportunity to resupply food and water.
Every year thousand of puffins nest on this island and a lot of them are still around when we arrive and attraction we can't miss.
Required experience
To participate in this trip intermediate skills are required - however this is still a guided trip and suitable for the individual who seek support and advise from a guide. We require that you're able to kayak for 15- 25 km pr day.
It's also an advantage if you have prior experience from outdoor camping and kayak rescues but it's not required. You'll enjoy the trip more if you're comfortable in waves of a moderate size.
Included in trip
- Guiding and planning of the trip
- Maps
- Guides from Nautopp with BCU/ ACA , Wilderness first aid and /or ISKGA qualifications.
- All safety equipment as first aid, flares, SPOT and VHF that the guides will carry and use if needed
- During the trip we also offer instruction in paddel techniques and wilderness camping if you wish .
- One night accommodation at Lovund Rorbu hotel during the trip. ( part in a double room or cottage)
- 3 course dinner and wine package
- Guided walk on the island of Lovund for 1,5 hours by local guide
Not included
- Flights or any other transport to the starting point
- Personal transport on the ferry to the starting point Onøy ( the ferry ride is apx 30 minutes from Stokkvågen and 1,2 hour from Sandnessjøn.
- Ferry tickets in case of bad weather conditions during the trip are not included.
- By booking you'll receive a packing list of required items to bring and also a time table for the ferry to Onøy and how to get there ( easy)
If you wish to spent the night before the trip at the island of Onøy we'll be happy to arrange accommodation for you for an additional cost. ( The guide will stay there as well.
- Kayaks and equipment are NOT included as our Scandinavian guests sometimes prefer to bring their own gear but guests from over seas are welcome to book kayak and additional equipment to a discounted price. Please contact us.
Min/ max group size:
- We have a min/ of 6 people on this trip and max 8-10 people. We aim to keep groups small to get the best experience, group climate because we care for nature and wildlife.
OBS!! Please notice that the cancellation policy is different from our ordinary cancellation policy. In case of a cancellation you'll only get a refund with a doctors certificate.
Dates 2021
Due to Covid19 and closed borders to Norway we do not offer this trip 2021 - please send us know if you are interested in this trip in 2022.
9660 SEK
(Price pr person ( a 20% deposit upon booking. The rest 1 month prior to the trip)